Secure Payment

The Tracker Payment Manager puts your in control of your scripts

With Codelock Tracker you are able to process your software sales using Paypal and avoid losing money to dishonest software pirates. There are various scenarios for obtaining scripts for free, but you can protect yourself with the ability to disable any deployed script remotely, at any time.

Has this ever happened to you?

You have an account with Paypal to sell your software downloads. Every once in awhile you get a notice that a customer complains that they didn't get the software they paid for. Paypal has refunded them.

But your records and email history shows that you definitely did give them their software download! Developer, You have been ripped off and the dirty rotten scammer just got your software for free! No way!

So you go to Paypal to complain about it, file some dispute, get it straightened out. Have you ever tried to complain to Paypal? First of all, their contact info is conspicuously missing from their site. The only way you can get a number to call is through - unbelievable, right?

You will reach a knowledgeable person eventually, and they will be sympathetic, but you will not get the money back. And if you actually do file a complaint, they will send it to the bank, who will decline your appeal and further withdraw like $20 for the processing of your complaint.

And they don't ask your permission either - you just one day discover that you have a charge. And there is no way to get it back. It is just plain old tough luck.

What?! You are now losing money on your software sales!?!

Sad, but true.

We are not trying to convince you to drop Paypal - after all, it is a highly recognizable and trusted method for processing payments. For many developers, there really is no viable alternative. Many customers even trust Paypal over SSL, merchant account driven, server-side validated forms on your website.

However, the fact is, Paypal is not designed for non-physical items, and they do their best to build buyer confidence by protecting (and favoring) the buyer.

Software vendors must adapt and meet the challenge if we want to use Paypal!

Codelock Tracker protects independent software vendors!

With Codelock Tracker, you can download your scripts with the confidence that you won't get ripped off. Why? Because the Tracker has a feature that enables you to disable any script you have downloaded remotely. That's right - after they have received their download. So stop script thievery and Paypal scams with Codelock Tracker.

No Extra Scripts on Server!

Many PHP code encryption options and some software licensing managers require you to install special scripts or extensions on your hosting server, or worse: require your customers to install special scripts on their server. This is a hassle and sometimes is not even possible. Codelock Tracker requires no extra scripts to be installed on your hosting server, or on the server of your customers.

This makes Codelock Tracker exceedingly easy to implement, and easy for your customers.

Features of Distribution

  • fully automated payment and deployment
  • fast distribution of your scripts
  • customer satisfaction and positive image
  • upgrades without re-downloading new script
  • customers can upgrade from demo to paid version easily
  • accurate sales records for each software
  • super-easy PayPal setup
  • manual deployment is easy too
  • tracking of all sales and downloads details
  • track licenses by URL or domains it is running on
  • the exact time of software license confirmation/validation
  • track when the license is run for the first time and issued
  • how many times has the tracking session been accessed
  • when a license will expire
  • track how many times a specific license has been downloaded or renewed
  • track the license status (active or inactive)
  • reactivate manually
  • disable a script on a particular domain/URL
  • transfer the license to another domain
  • activate or deactivate an entire software
  • easy access to user info, payment info, software managing, etc.

Get your FREE Version!

Buy Codelock Tracker PHP Licensing ManagerWe are now offering a 100% FREE Tracker version - no strings attached. See for yourself that the Tracker is the only PHP licensing manager und Encoder in one - anywhere!

Get Your Free Version